the challenge was to find Lwords that with the gap reflected the reality of women in the workplace today. Unequally paid, stuck in lower positions, waiting to be promoted with unequal opportunities to grow.
Words that if we close the gap between them would have empowering, positive and hopeful meanings.
With every word we revealed the part of article 26 of the Lebanese Law that is relevant to it.
So for INEQUALITY | FOR EQUALITY, we revealed the part of the article that prohibits discrimination between men and women in the workplace concerning REMUNERATION.
Cultural / Context information for the jury
In Arabic, natural gaps between two words or two letters affect the way they are read and understood. And sometimes, closing the gap between the words reveals a new word with an entirely different meaning.
Translation. Provide a full English translation of any text.
Word with the gap reads: INEQUALITY
Word without the gap: FOR EQUALITY
CTA inside the gap: CLOSE THE GAP
Text inside the Guilloche:
Article 26 of the Lebanese Labor Law prohibits discrimination between men and women in the workplace concerning EMPLOYMENT.