KFC has long been dabbling in gaming. From launching dedicated KFC gaming accounts, to creating a popular Japanese-inspired dating game featuring Colonel Sanders, and even designing a chicken-heating console!
While the above advancements in gaming proved successful, these were just entry points that helped establish KFC as a brand that appeals to gamers. KFC was now synonymous with gaming. Great… but what about selling chicken to gamers?
KFC was yet to generate conversion with gamers. 350 million MENA gamers to be precise. A gold mine of sales for KFC if it were to resonate with them.
Knowing that they were scotched to their favorite games 24/7, KFC had to find an innovative idea that would help them generate more sales from gamers without interrupting their precious gaming time.
THE CHALLENGE: How do you sell chicken to a target audience that doesn’t even have time to check out an online menu?
Describe the creative idea (40% of vote)
KFC wanted to appeal to all MENA gamers and didn't want to alienate other players by focusing on one game.
While they have many game preferences, all gamers game so much that they forget to eat food. To get them to eat, KFC has to do so in a way that would allow them more gaming time.
INSIGHT: Find a way to get gamers to eat without compromising gaming time.
After conducting focus groups with MENA gamers, KFC discovered that gamers did not want their favorite games to be invaded by brands.
This made KFC’s challenge tougher. It was almost as tough as beating a game on “Hard” mode. Only mighty gamers were able to do so without cheat codes. And that when it all clicked. It was not about being present in-game, it was all about creating a real-life cheat code that would give gamers even more gaming time.
Describe the execution (40% of vote)
KFC invented the newest, coolest, and fastest way to order KFC without interrupting gamers’ gaming, by using a popular gaming tool: cheat codes. And the KFC name itself. It asked gamers to just type Shift + K + F + C, check out, and done. An order was placed.
To tell the 350 million MENA gamers about it, KFC created a completely new visual language. It applied it to their main branding system, print collaterals, food boxes, restaurant stationery, and all of its advertising. This resulted in a vibrant, modern, and videogame focused design campaign. Even our logo, featuring our famous brand founder, Colonel Sanders, got the “gamer” facelift.
KFC not only showed gamers around the Arab region how much they mattered to them but proved that its brand was inspired by gaming culture by changing our entire branding to appeal to gamers.
List the results (20% of vote)
Launched on the 7 countries in the Middle East
$0 production cost
20 million social impressions
1.7 million reach
Engagement 350,000
+19% increase online order of bundle combo
93% of those from the gaming community