2018 Winners & Shortlists


CategoryMobile Games
Idea Creation TRACY Tunis, TUNISIA

The Campaign

The Idea: Therefore we thought about the conception of a 2D mobile game including a related real life challenge taking place at the same time, an innovating and exclusive event which main purpose is convincing mobile users and video-games fans to visit appealing places in their beloved country Tunisia, experience new challenges such as cycling adventures and camping in the wild.

Creative Execution

The Execution: We first did replicate Tunisia's most appealing views from 17 different governorates to create the environment of a platform mobile-game, in which players had to guide their character -a cyclist- across different checkpoints of Tunisia's map and discover wide areas throughout 5 levels of their cycling adventure. At the same time, a professional cyclist/photograph had to do the exact same path in real life, releasing weekly vlogs and photos of his exciting adventures on social medias attracting the game's fans on a very unique and fashionable way. Every week, in order to enable a new level, the cyclist had to achieve a new section and release its vlog featuring a number of gaming rewarded contests. That made users keep truck of the cyclist journey and encourage him, witnessing a live performance of their own in-game progress. Making them recognize the beauty of their country and willing to take part of the adventure themselves, and live their unique experience.

Vel'oh! challenge genreated : 10400downloads in two weeks,made almost 12 millions impressions and 77058 online interactions. And most importatly; Witninssing the exciting real life adventure drove a big number of followers to start their own journeys.

Our brand's main philosophy is driving passive and not very outgoing generation to get up and explore the world surrounding them. Inspire them to learn, take advantage of every opportunity and fulfill their dreams. The main focus during this campaign was finding a creative way to motivate tunisian youth, make them step out of their comfort zone, try and discover new places and life styles using modern technologies.


Name Company Role
Yacin Trigui Tracy CEO & CCO
Abir Rassa Tracy Associate Creative Director / Partner
Monia Derbel Tracy Business Director
Eya BenAmmar Tracy Account Manager
Wassel Amari Tracy Conceptual art director
Ahmad Ben Mansoura Tracy Copywriter
Nizar Gattouchi Tracy TV producer
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