The film revolves around Wensh, the Egyptian National Team center back who is about to ride home on his motorcycle. The security guard in the parking lot decides to not let him out on his bike because he might injure himself. This is because Egypt is about to play in the African Cup of Nations which we haven’t won in 11 years, and the security guard is not going to let this cup slip.
Cultural / Context information for the jury
Egypt is the most successful and decorated team in the history of Africa - but we’ve been quite dire in the tournament for 11 years, and this led the fans to become quite disheartened and anxious about this years participation. In short, the entire nation was giving out vibes that this cup is non-negotiable, and we need to have a good showing.
And Egyptians are quite big on humor, and quite intrusive in the players’ personal lives so we had to communicate that in our main idea, tagline and our films.
Provide the full film script in English.
The security guy: Captain wensh, captain
The player: Yes
The security guy: You can’t ride your bike home
The player: Why
The security guy: you’ll go home like this with your back hunched over
So, you might strain your posterior muscles, Get a cold in your lower back
God willing, nothing’s going to happen but we’ve got important matches coming up
The player: Since you are that worried, then tell me how I can go home
Another guy: we can drive you home, it’s the same drive
The player: No thanks
Another guy: Really, it’s no trouble
Another guy: you’re on our way home, what’ve you got to lose?
The player: Give me my helmet back
The security guy: No, we’ve got an important tournament!
The player: Give me the helmet!
The security guy: Get the cup and you’ll get your hemlet
The player: Give me my helmet!
Anything for the 8th
Bring it home
The official sponsor of the African cup of nations