Featuring different mamas from different countries around the world. A rapid succession of images and videos of super-hero moms inspiring and striking and celebrating every mom's struggle, sleepless nights, cry, tears and sweat. It's not an ordinary "keep going moms" ad but more of a protest cry! A protest describing the chaos, not of a country, not of a political system, but the chaos of a mom at home. "their scream of rebellion definitely needed to be heard" says the script.
Provide the full film script in English.
What makes a Rockstar
What are they made of?
One that keeps the band together
Keeps the fire going
After day
So low
Like the guitar
The road is now closed but they are still in session
Working hard on a hard days night
With five in their gut
And a beat in their chest
Zoom calls
Broom force
And shhh
I am on a call Paul
A talent
An idol
An icon
Or just a girl that works a lot damn harder than the rest
They rock
They roll
They get back up on stage and make the damn launches
Emails they have got bunches
They be online teaching academic
Put them on paddle stores
On the cover of the magazine
Hold them
Or pay
As if to say
What is a Rockstar
The answer my friend is blowing wind
A cheerleader
Ring leader
Unpaid fucking third-grade teacher
From dusk
Till dawn
We hear them roar
The show may be over
But the moms go on
Here is to the biggest superstar of the year
Your mama.