The film follows our hero (Abdel Bassit Hamouda who is a very famous folk local singer) in different situations where he is constantly scammed with various purchases. That is happening while he sings a song about how everything now has a catch / scam. So our hero takes us through various scenes where he was too naive to fall for a scammed product. The first being his girlfriend ditching him for another man. Then in the middle we see different purchasing situations where he bumps into what he thought great offers but gets scammed at the end. Then we end the film with the girlfriend getting back to our hero only to find out that he is not what he seems to be, he is a doppelgänger, even he turned out to be a fake scam.
Cultural / Context information for the jury
In this campaign we produced a local song with one of the best local Egyptian folk singers in Egypt. In the song we have used local and traditional proverbs to increase the levels of relatability with our audience. some of these expressions are:
- A watermelon, who knows if its sweet or bland - when you purchase something and not sure of the quality.
- From the outside you see something but from the inside its totally different same as don't judge a book by its cover.