Product/Service | GIRLS' EDUCATION |
Category | Small Scale Special Solutions |
Idea Creation
Cultural/Context information for the jury.
When the Taliban invaded Northern Pakistan, they banned girls from attending school, often resorting to violence to enforce edicts. Opposition was punished by execution, yet brave schoolgirls such as Malala Yousufzai, Shazia Ramzan and Kainat Riaz fought back by continuing to go to school.
And in 2012, they were shot for it.
Fortunately, all three girls survived their injuries, and continued to speak up for education. To honor their fight, and to tell their story, the brief was to create a book cover and design for their biography. The objective was not only to inspire and motivate Pakistani girls to go to school regardless of hurdles, but to do it in a manner that exemplified the three girls' strength.
The production budget was minimal, and was planned to be recovered through sales. The limited-edition releases are designed to also raise funds for schools in NorthernPakistan.
Write a short summary of what happens in the ambient or digital execution or campaign.
Tasked with designing the biography of Malala, Shazia and Kainat, we designed more than just a cover and a book: we built a symbol with the ultimate message of resistance - a book that speaks of knowledge being more powerful than any bullet that might try to stop it.
Introducing the world's first bulletproof novel: a book that tells the girls' stories on paper but is bound with a cover made of bullet-resistant Kevlar-XP fiber with the capability of halting a 9mm bullet fired at close range.
The novel is a small-scale solution with high impact - it is a functioning testament to what Malala, Shazia, and Kainat stand for: resistance and bravery.
In the words of Malala: "What frightens extremists most is a girl with a book.”
Ali Rez |
BBDO Pakistan / Impact BBDO |
Executive Creative Director |
Sanam Maher |
Sanam Maher |
Writer |
Ryan Atkinson |
Impact BBDO |
Design Creative Director |
Paul Shearer |
Impact BBDO |
Chief Creative Officer |
Hyunseo Yoo |
Impact BBDO |
Designer |
Insiya Syed |
Insiya Syed |
Photographer |
Tennyson Torcato |
Impact BBDO |
Creative Services Director |
Assam Khalid |
BBDO Pakistan |
Strategic Planning Director |
Hira Mohibullah |
BBDO Pakistan |
Creative Director |
Aamna Rahim |
BBDO Pakistan |
Associate Creative Director |
Saks Afridi |
Saks Afridi |
Artist |
Akash Goel |
Akash Goel |
Coordinator |
Huma Mobin |
BBDO Pakistan |
Writer |
Mohammad Ali |
BBDO Pakistan |
Online Developer |
Moiz Khan |
BBDO Pakistan |
Associate Creative Director |
Abid Abbas |
SOC Films |
Editor |
Huma Shah |
SOC Films |
Editor |
Joris Bosdriesz |
Impact BBDO |
Motion Designer |
Assam Khalid |
BBDO Pakistan |
Creative Director |
Ali Rez |
BBDO Pakistan |
Creative Director |