2012 Winners & Shortlists


Product/ServiceSMIRNOFF RED
EntrantJWT Beirut, LEBANON
CategoryConsumer Products & Services
Entrant Company:JWT Beirut, LEBANON
DM/Advertising Agency:JWT Beirut, LEBANON

The Brief

Knowing that apart from speeding, drink driving is still the number 1 cause of car crashes, Smirnoff wanted an awareness campaign to address responsible drinking to all Lebanese partygoers.

Creative Execution

Our goal was to let them experience the consequences of over drinking while being sober in order to get our “drink responsibly” message through. These interactive stunts caught our partygoers off-guard and injected awareness when they least expected it which made them think twice before getting behind the wheel.

Describe the creative solution to the brief/objective.

We wanted to remind people that it’s very easy to lose focus and perception of reality after a heavy night of drinking. Thus they shouldn’t be driving. We played on people’s perception by replicating simple things they interact with during their night out, highlighting the importance of being sober. Measurements & photographs were taken of the main elements that people interact with the most in pubs and nightclubs. They were retouched, printed and placed on location, duplicating the actual elements. People were then faced with “fake doubles”.


Thousands of the Smirnoff “Guide to Drink Responsibly” were distributed all over the city. Hundreds of partygoers used the free taxi services provided by Smirnoff.