Describe any restrictions or regulations regarding Healthcare communications in your country/region (imposed by healthcare regulatory bodies, government, TV stations, etc.)
Describe the target audience
Unfit UAE residents above the age of 18.
UAE is one of the laziest countries in the world. resulting in dangerously high rates of heart attack amongst its adult population.
To encourage UAE residents to adopt a fitter lifestyle.
1. Generate awareness about fitness among the people.
2. Educating people on how to adopt a fitter lifestyle.
3. Making small physical activities a part of people's everyday life.
Describe the creative idea (30% of vote)
As part of the Dream Small campaign, the 1K Marathon served to show the UAE residents that fitness doesn't mean spending hours in the gym or running for miles. It is about doing small tasks every day, so that physical activity becomes a habit and fitness becomes a part of everyday lifestyle.
Describe the strategy (20% of vote)
Data Gathering
1. Secondary reports on the rising obesity rates in the UAE.
2. Published qualitative research from psychologists on what creates and breaks motivation and habit specifically for physical fitness.
Target audience: UAE residents, considered amongst the most lazy globally.
Approach: Most people set impossibly high targets for their physical fitness but get demotivated because they can’t consistently do the work needed to meet those high goals. Secondly, because fitness goals take time to materialise, people give up because they don’t see the results immediately.
Call to action: Encouraging people to take small steps towards achieving fitness, with the 1K Marathon serving as a physical demonstration of that belief.
Describe the execution (20% of vote)
The 1K Marathon was held at one of Dubai's biggest parks - Zabeel Park.
8 February, 2019.
List the results (30% of vote)
Site Traffic
86% new visitors visited to register for the 1K Marathon.
2,940,114 people viewed the 1K Marathon film.
Change in behavior
1,261 people ran a marathon for the first time.