2016 Winners & Shortlists


Short List
Product/ServiceMOBILE APP
Entrant3SG-BBDO Ariana, TUNISIA
CategoryUse of Digital Media in a Direct Marketing Campaign
Entrant Company 3SG-BBDO Ariana, TUNISIA
Advertising Agency 3SG-BBDO Ariana, TUNISIA
Media Agency OMD Tunis, TUNISIA

Brief Explanation

The Backup Memory is a mobile App that helps alzheimer sufferers to be directly exposed to their past. In real time and directly to their phones, the Backup Memory provides patients with mental stimulations contents, introducing the identity of the person entering their field of intimacy around 12 meters, via instant notifications. Patients can thus view their relationship status with that person, as well as memories, photos or videos related to them(Digital content). The app is using a push notification from a device A to the device B by the Bluetooth technology.

Creative Execution

The campaign was planned in two phases; We started the campaign with an online documentary film with a simple purpose ; - engage people around the project from medical field In the second phase, we turn all people contribution to design the App in the perfect way. Backup Memory is a product that regroups both, advertising ideas combined with science ideas.

32% of patients in local alzheimer associations, have started using the Backup Memory App. 9621 patients are using actually the Backup Memory. 28822 are connected to them as family members.


Name Company Role
Hosni Ghariani 3sg/bbdo CEO
Yassine Boughaba 3sg/bbdo Creative Director