2015 Winners & Shortlists


EntrantMAGNA Cairo, EGYPT
CategoryUse of Social or Community
Advertising Agency DIGITAL REPUBLIC Cairo, EGYPT
Media Agency MAGNA Cairo, EGYPT
Entrant Company MAGNA Cairo, EGYPT

Creative Execution

‘PersonaliTea’ revolved around four characters, each gave the campaign its peculiar Egyptian tone of voice. Phase1: The teaser video teased all the four characters, by showcasing each one’s unique tea-drinking trait Phase2: The characters were revealed on Facebook (videoviews) and YouTube (preroll), 10 days apart. Each video was launched in parallel with engaging posts and competitions on Facebook. For the launch of the 1st and the 4th character, we launched YouTube Mastheads to increase reach. The mastheads showcased the characters’ videos supported by Facebook(VideoViews) & Youtube(preroll). We also launched video engagement ads with ‘Hover-to-Play’ for all four characters.

Total Impressions:62.6M -Both mastheads impressions: 6.1M and 6.2M, exceeding the market’s benchmarks of 4.45M-5.14M -YouTube average CTR of 2.79%, the average market benchmark being 2% - FB-17% Engagement rate,CTR of 6.40% -Facebook video-views reached 75% of our target audience on Facebook (12.5M), the market average reach 45% -Sales Growth of TBs as per YTD Jan Figures: Dec’14+Jan’15 vs Dec’13+Jan’14 = 12% growth -Awareness: TOM recall increased during December vs November by +400bps -Usage: witnessed an increase in use now level during December vs November by +300bps -Usage: increased in the preferred used brand during December vs November by +500bps.

Our marketing challenge which was built on an insight that all tea bag drinkers have their own unique ways in using the tea bag, while preparing their cup of tea. Lipton wanted to celebrate their uniqueness but there was a clear challenge of how to emphasis/celebrate those unique ways in a fun & engaging way. This year, the objective was to get the tea consumers to change their tea-drinking habits, by converting Dust users to Tea bag users, but not by lecturing them or preaching to them,but by creating engaging content using the next biggest draw in Egypt after tea and TV series. Humor. Given Egypt’s widespread media consumption habits did make our choice of media particularly challenging, but clearly our core target audience (10-30 year old-M/F) were highly active on digital platforms and especially receptive to communication through online video content.Hence the creation of a 100% digital campaign.


Name Company Role
Adham Ayman Magna Digital Manager
Dina Amer Magna Senior Digital Planner
Aya Rashed Magna Media Executive
Khaled Karawya Digital Republic Social Media
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