2015 Winners & Shortlists


Product/ServiceNOTE 4
CategoryOverall aesthetic design
Entrant Company LEO BURNETT Amman, JORDAN
Advertising Agency LEO BURNETT Amman, JORDAN

Creative Execution

We created a Facebook event in which people were invited to join us in celebrating the Arabic language on the 18th of December We came up with trendy designs of the 28 alphabets of the Arabic language and invited people to use and share them online. We uploaded interviews with key media influencers online, inviting people to revive the Arabic language and to join us under # بكتب_بالعربي. . Numerous social media influencers received a unique invitation to participate in our initiative, the Ctrl-Alt keyboard buttons (universal language switch keys) and they all gladly did.

On the 18th the # was used in Arabic sentences more than 25,000 times Our messaged reached 177 million out of 422 million Arabic speakers The average use of our hashtag was 25 tweets per hour in Arabic The hashtag scored 821’104’000 impressions. The effect was so massive that we were featured in the news. Almost every local radio station, newspaper and online news portal mentioned the hashtag, also inviting people to write in Arabic. We were even mentioned in some international TV stations. The initiative and the hashtag where adopted by brands, posting and retweeting on their SM pages,

Business/Marketing Objectives: - Enhance brand affinity - Increase awareness towards the handwriting recognition feature in the Note 4. Communication objectives reinstall Arabic language pride and enrich Arabic online content by: - Capitalizing on the Arabic Language Day (18th November) and making it a recognized day by Arabs in the region - Encouraging people to use Arabic letters on Social Media platforms, inorder to increase online Arabic content - Minimizing the gap between technology and the Arabic Language Target Audience/ Insight: 413 million users in the Arab world are projected to be on the Internet by 2015, yet only 3% of current online content is in Arabic. We wanted to target all Arabs in the region that used Arabeezi online. These people found it "uncool" or "difficult" to write Arabic content using Arabic letters and rathered English letters to write Arabic words.


Name Company Role
Bechara Mouzannar Leo Burnett MENA Chief Creative Officer
Malek Ghorayeb Leo Burnett Executive Regional Creative Director
Rand Khawaja Leo Burnett Amman Com. Director
Souha Samaha Leo Burnett Amman Com. Manage
Mohammad Al Amad Leo Burnett Amman Com. Executive
Khalil Khattari Leo Burnett Amman Social Media Manager
Samar Majali Leo Burnett Amman Senior Community Manager
Siba Zada Leo Burnett Amman Junior Community Manager
Selena Abeqwa Leo Burnett Jordan Desktop Publisher
Akram Zeiq Leo Burnett Amman Production Manager
Sary Najjar Leo Burnett Amman Creative Director
Aram Tamanian Leo Burnett Amman Senior Art Director
Joelle Jammal Leo Burnett Amman Managing Director
Mayadah Abu/Shaar Leo Burnett Amman Senior Arabic Copywriter
Abdallah Abu Said Leocomm Pr Manager
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