2011 Winners & Shortlists


Product/ServiceFASHION STORE
EntrantJWT Beirut, LEBANON
CategoryMerchandising/In-store Marketing & Point of Purchase Displays
Entrant Company:JWT Beirut, LEBANON
Sales Promotion/Advertising Agency:JWT Beirut, LEBANON

The Brief

In-store announcement of the Personal Assistance Service in Depeche Mode, a concept store.

Describe how the promotion developed from concept to implementation

The Lebanese women prefer shopping on their own and they normally decline any store assistance service. In order to overcome this barrier we created a 'Help Room'.

Describe the success of the promotion with both client and consumer including some quantifiable results

A noticeable increase in Lebanese women selecting the 'stylist' programme.

Explain why the method of promotion was most relevant to the product or service

The permanent installation is a small fitting room with white walls, one huge mirror, one chair and one help button. All connected with a huge mural leading from the customer (seated) all the way to the Help button. Upon pressing the help button a neon sign lights up on the outside signaling the 'stylist' to enter the room to provide assistance. "Entre nous" is chosen as a signal to enhance confidence and privacy.


Name Company Role
JWT-Beirut JWT Beirut -