2011 Winners & Shortlists

ORANGE / 2050

EntrantCGS Tunis, TUNISIA
CategoryInteractive Tools & Applications, including mobile advertising
Entrant Company:CGS Tunis, TUNISIA
Advertising/Web Design Agency:CGS Tunis, TUNISIA

Brief Explanation

To promote its mobile and Internet website (http://www.tunis2050.com), Orange has chosen to associate its image with the most watched 3D series during the month of Ramadan Tunis2050. And for the first time in Tunisia, Orange used a technological innovation making it possible for its subscribers to communicate on line with one of the characters of the 3D series.Thanks to an efficient collaboration during the broadcasting of the series, the mobile site generated an increase of traffic on its Orange portal. A top ranking on a downloading position among all the proposal programs. And over 160000 people share online ads on facebook.


Name Company Role
Riadh Ghariani CGS General Manager