2020/2021 Winners & Shortlists


EntrantRAPP MOROC Casablanca, MOROCCO
Idea Creation RAPP MOROC Casablanca, MOROCCO
Idea Creation 2 RAPP MOROC Casablanca, MOROCCO
Idea Creation 3 RAPP MOROC Casablanca, MOROCCO
Idea Creation 4 RAPP MOROC Casablanca, MOROCCO
Media Placement RAPP MOROC Casablanca, MOROCCO
Production VIDEORAMA Casablanca, MOROCCO
Production 2 VIDEORAMA Casablanca, MOROCCO


Today,gender inequality is a universal topic discussed openly in many regions of the world.In morocco the discussion is sometimes avoided and moslty fought against in a conservative society where women still suffers from old laws regarding succession rights, abortion, sexuality, employement, financial independance,sexual harrassment. MIO is a local homecare brand with progressive values in a category where women are still portrayed in a very traditional & sexist way. The brand chose as an ambitious purpose to change moroccan women's lives for the best knowing that a woman spend 5 hours a day doing homechores VS 17 min for a man. In a society where men are still in charge,any message would be pointless if not adressed to the source of the problem: men & their way of thinking; so we created a content where they're the main protagonists because changing the world begins at home.

Describe the cultural / social / political climate in your region and the significance of your campaign within this context

Moroccan women still lives under medieval laws & cultural pressure in a manly society where its hard for her to decide over her own body, her education, her sexuality, her financial independance or even the way she dresses These last 2 years, voices began to arise online regarding women's rights and gender inequality but they are easily covered by a more massive conservative voice lead by an islamist party government and state TV who perpetue gender inequality in all aspect of life.In Morocco gender inequality is soimpregnated in the society that it starts right at home at a young age and extents during men and women lifetime making home chores naturally a woman only job. Our campaing aim was to adress that issue,raise awareness about that gender inequality every moroccan households lives and every men perpetuates at home.To change the world lets change our behaviour at home.

Describe the creative idea

Gender inequality in Morocco starts at home, cleaning tasks and home chores in general are still a woman-only JOB, a man can spend his lifetime with the woman he lives ignoring the real weight of her daily sacrifice. In order to raise awareness about this profound injustice women suffers from, we decided to get personnal and confront men with their own lives. We decided to create a content where they're the main protagonists, tapping into their way of life and way of behaving at home. We asked them to tell us to whom belonged anonymous damaged hands, then we showed them the person behind those hands. They realized they’ve never really seen the hands they thought they knew.

Describe the strategy

A simple data summarize it all :moroccan women spends 5 hours a day doing home chores VS only 17 minutes for men. In Ramadan(period where the campaign was aired) this figure is multiplied by 2 for women and cut in half for men.We decided to use that data and talk about a cultural issue no one (except women) cares about, by talking to a specific audience never targeted before by the category: men.We knew that a lecturing approach about gender inequality toward men in our society would be a lost battle, we chose instead to have a more subtle and personnal approach tapping into men beliefs and habits by tackling their daily social behaviors in order to make them challenge the way they thing and the way they behave at home.

Describe the execution

In order to raise awareness around gender inequality at home we decide to create a social experience and to implement in a way that guarantees reach and virality across moroccans. We chose to launch the campaign during Ramadan,the perfect time of year to talk about the heavy weight women carry at home. That time of year coincide as well with the highest TV audiences and a raise of time spent online and conversation trending topics. We started our campaign only on digital a week before Ramadan to build up a conversation with the community before big brands invade pricey ad spaces. By the first day of Ramadan our content was already shared and talked about through social media, then we launched cutdowns on TV to reach a broader audience. The topic of gender inequality at home became the most trending topic during Ramadan in Morocco.

Describe the results / impact

Results after the campaign were tremendous : businesswise ,the brand increased its sales on a national level by 15% even with the presence of distribution issues. Brand attributes saw the most impressive change : Mio who was a complete unknow brand switched from 0 top of mind to 34% in less that 6 months .The video had 2,5 million views online , 500 million media contacts ,16 Million Total impressions and 40.000 shares on facebook making it the most viral branded video ever in Morocco. The most important thing is the awareness this campaign built and the movement it created. Even public authorities finally joined in by creating the parity & diversity commitee aiming to promote gender equality on public media. The industry as well did her part by creating the Tilila award, a trophy rewarding progressive brands that promotes more diversity and a more positive image of women.


Name Company Role
IMANE Aouad RAPP DDB MOROCCO Creative director
Video URL